
EditThis.net is a web based image/video editing/effects website. Formerly CropThis.net(Est.2011-12), what began as a cropping website has expanded to more than that. Hence the name change to EditThis.net(Est.2013). It is straight to the point and it does not require any plugins or extensions to utilize the features this site has to offer. It is built solely on web standards and is optimized for up to date web browsers.

What you’ll be able to do with your images/videos:

- Applying effects/filters are really easy right on the main page! Choose from the many popular effects/filters that are popular today like black and white, LoFi, Gotham, Toaster, Kelvin, Nashville, TinType, Sepia, etc!

- Cropping allows to to crop your images as much as you like!

- Resizing allows you to resize your images to the dimensions you desire from a single image, up to 10 images at once! Choice of output format, naming convention, saving to site, download or/and download all options available.

- The background remover allows you to automatically remove the background from an image or photo by either selecting Humans or Objects.

- The object remover is A.I. powered allowing you to automatically remove unwanted objects from an image or photo by highlighting the object(s).

- Editing images allows you to edit your images in over 20 ways. Each edit section gives you full control of your editing allowing you to literally edit as much as you want to your images! You may redo, undo, and start over any time you want as well!

- Image maker allows you to make an image(s) in a variety of ways! You can set the font type, font size, font color, font stroke, font stroke color as well, rotate text and/or icons/images and make icons/images transparent! There are many popular emoticons to choose from along with country flags of the world and the ability to upload your own images! You may also add animated gifs to your image by searching the Giphy library or upload your own animated gifs! Also available is the ability to search the Pexels.com and Pixabay.com image photo libraries to make an image from their free photo libraries, along with also being able to do Bing.com Image Searches directly for image selection!

- Draw allows you to draw anywhere onto an image or canvas. Create your own canvas with any color or gradient. Undo, redo, clear, start over, choose color of brush, size of brush and type of brush!

- Captioning movies/videos allows you to literally caption any text or/and image/emoticon onto your video/movies! You can set the font type, font size, font color, text background options and even the option of setting blurred vertial bars to videos shot in polaroid mode. There are many popular emoticons to choose from along with country flags of the world and the ability to upload your own images/emoticons to caption onto your videos/movies!

- Meme maker allows you to make memes from over 100 blank meme templates to choose from or you may upload any image to make memes! Choose from "Traditional" meme or "Caption" meme!

- Make text effects allows you to make text effects in a variety of ways including outline text, glow text, soft shadow text, hard shadow text, stamp, bevel. There are many fonts and options to choose from to customize your text effects!

- Image isolate allows you to isolate a color or object in an image with background options available like black and white, reduce color, tint background, and blur background!

- Profile overlay allows you to overlay your profile images from Facebook, Instragram, etc with your country flag or any image you want to use as an overlay image! You can adjust the transparency amount if you desire to show more or less of the overlay image!

- Slideshow maker allows you to select as many images as you want to create video slideshows from your favorite images/photos!

- Image gif maker allows you to select as many images as you want to create an animated image gif from your selected images!

- Video gif maker allows you create gifs from your favorite videos/movies and YouTube videos!

- Convert allows you to convert image and photo files to another format type!

- Watermarking allows you to watermark your images in a variety of ways by allowing you to choose your font, position of text, text color, text transparency, text size, text rotation. Also allows you to watermark with an image/logo! Watermark from a single image to 10 images at once!

- Redeye reducer/remover attempts to reduce/remove red eyes from an image automatically with the ability to adjust the frequency of the reducing/removing!

This website also has a blog that offers news and updates to the site along with demonstrations on how to use the features this site has to offer with Photo of The Day, Meme of The Day, Gif of The Day and Video of The Day!

The website also allows you to save your images to use through the entire website. What that means is you can edit images on one page, save them, and go to another page on the site and the images you saved will be there as well for you to select from and edit! You can clear your saved images at any time you like!

All images/videos uploaded to the site are deleted daily. No user information is saved or collected by this site by any means. This site offers minimal ads that are intended to not be distracting to the user giving them more focus on editing their images.

Every feature was designed with the user first in mind. This is what EditThis.net is all about: You! In time more features will be added to the site! Thank you for visiting!