Crop Images!
Move and resize the cropper-box to the area you want to be cropped by using your mouse or fingers(for touch devices) to move and resize(resizing can be done by dragging the bottom-right corner) the cropper-box. When you're ready, just click/tap on the Crop This button and your newly cropped image will be displayed below. To save to your device, right click and Save-As or place your finger(for touch devices) on the image until the save dialog box appears. To upload your own image(s) to crop, use the form below. Have fun!
Use bottom right corner, or bottom edge to resize cropper box. To upload your image(s), use the form below.
Saving saves to website for use. To save to your device, Save-As by right clicking/tap-hold over the images.
Your Saved Images
Save-As by right clicking or tap-hold over images to save to your device.