Resize Images!

On this page you can resize an image or multiple images based on what you want the width and/or height to be in pixels along with the option of selecting output format. To resize a single image, use the first form. To resize multiple images along with the ability to supply a naming convention and output format, use the second form. Saving and downloading options are available. All you do is insert the width and/or height you would like your image to be in pixels, and click on the Resize This! button. If you choose not to insert the width or height, the aspect ratio for the image(s) will be preserved. For example, if you enter 350 for the width, the height will automatically be calculated for you, depending on the original dimensions of the image(s) and vice-versa.

The second and third form is for multiple images at once and can be used for generating image thumbnails as well. Just insert what you want the width and/or height of the images/thumbnails to be. For example, say you want your thumbnails to be 150 by 150, you insert 150 for width and 150 for height, or 400 for width and 200 for height. If you want to resize just by width or height alone, just insert what you want for the width or height and the aspect ratio will be preserved.

Notice: Resizing from a smaller image(original image) to a larger image can result in the resized image being pixelated.

Original images cannot exceed 10MB in size. Both width and height cannot exceed 5000(px) or/and be less than 25(px).

Resize Single Image

Use this form for a single image.

Optional. If format not specified, format will be the image format.
If you wish to resize a saved image, select an image from below, otherwise upload an image to resize.

Your Saved Images

Save-As by right clicking or tap-hold over images to save to your device.

Resize Multiple Images

Use this form for multiple images by shifting and clicking when selecting your images. Select as many from 2 to 10 images at once. Naming convention and output format options are optional. Saving and download options are available along with the option to download all resized images via zip file. Please be patience when trying to upload many images at once that are big in size.

Optional. Allowed characters: Letters/numbers, hyphens, underscores. Unwanted characters will be removed.
The below options are only applicable if a naming convention is supplied above.
ie: myPics
ie: thumb-existing_name
ie: existing_name-thumb

Optional. If format not specified, format will be the image format.
If you wish to resize a saved image, select images from below, otherwise upload images to resize.

Your Saved Images

Save-As by right clicking or tap-hold over images to save to your device.