Make Images!
Move the caption box(es) to where you want to caption on the image and use the text box below the image to write to the caption box.(For touch devices, drag by using finger to move the caption box(es) to desired position(s).) The caption box(es) can be resized and/or rotate based on how you want the captioning to appear on the image.(For touch devices, resize by dragging the bottom-right corner of the caption box(es).) You can add up to 5 caption boxes. You can also add as many provided icons as you want.(Icons can be dragged/dropped, resized and rotate as well.) Caption boxes and icons will load at the upper-left corner of your image. They can also be removed by clicking on the 'X' at the top right corner of the icon and and added caption boxes can be removed by clicking on the 'X' on the corresponding textbox below. Whenever you're ready to caption, click on Apply. When you're completely done, just right click over the image and save-as to your computer/device! To upload your own image(s) to caption, use the form below. Have fun!
Make images by adding text, images, icons, emoji's, animated gifs(via Giphy or upload your own) anywhere onto an image. Move/resize the text box or/and icons/images (resizeable bottom right corner, draggable, rotatable by sliders) anywhere onto the image where you want your text/images to appear. Seach and select images from,, and even do Bing Image Searches directly! Select from the many available options like fonts from! Have fun!
Upload your own image, make an image, or search image libraries. You may also select an image from your saved images below by clicking/tapping on the image(if any).
― or ―
Search Pexels Image Library.

Search Pixabay's Image Library.

To see more scroll left/right. Image Search

To see more scroll left/right.
― or ―
Your Saved Images
Click/tap on saved image to be added for caption.
Currently none
Your Uploaded/Created Images
Click/tap to load an image.
Change text box color if not visible.
This saving saves to website for use. To save to your device, Save-As by right clicking/tap-hold over the images.

Image Made!

Highlight the object(s) you want to remove. When ready, click/tap 'Erase!'. In order for the Erased image to be available for captioning text, filters, editing, cropping, etc, and Saving to device, you must click/tap 'Make Image' to set the image for the other Options. The image will then be available for the other Options and Saving.

Created Image Gif displayed below.

Click/Tap to apply a filter.

Apply a border to an image.

Move/Resize the cropper box to crop by choosing either Normal Crop or Circular Crop.
Circular Crop crops an image into a circle leaving the background transparent.
Draw/Erase onto and from an image.
Clicking/tapping Make Image turns drawing into an image and sets the image to the Main captioning options; ie: Main, Apply filter, Crop, etc. From there you may save to your device by right clicking and Save-As, tap hold Save-As, or/and Save To Site.
Image Made!

Aspect ratio is reserved.
Upload/add your own images/icons onto your image to be Captioned. Select from the options.
― or ―
Search's Icon Library.

To see more scroll left/right.
Add a Gif via Giphy or use the upload form to upload your own above.

To see more scroll left/right.
Giphy added.

Image/Icon added.

Previously Added Images displayed below. Click/tap to add:
Currently none
― or ―
Click/tap to add a saved image as icon.
Currently none
Gif Image Result:
Save-As to your device from any of your created Gifs below.
Created Gif Image(s):