Search Results for: Photo of The Day

Photo of The Day!

Post by Don on August 17 2016

From time to time I will be posting a photo of the day where the photo/image is an image that's been edited in someway on this site along with a short description of the edit. The photos/images(and perhaps videos) will be photos I personally take or/and photos/images from the internet.

This is unlike photos/images that demonstrate new features this site has to offer like in the many previous posts. Photos of The Day will be random photos/images(perhaps videos too) with some kind of edit/effects done to the image by this site of the already existing features.

So lets begin with this... (Vignette effect applied on the main page, captioned, and overlayed Made in Detroit image)

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This blog contains posts related to the features this site has to offer! Please check often for updates!.