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Words of Wisdom!

Post by Don on June 9 2018

I think one of the greatest challenges we face as individuals is not so much with other people but instead with ourselves. It may appear it's other people but it's mostly because we've allowed those people to somewhat dictate how we think and feel about ourselves. You know this by the way you react to them. In other words, we've allowed their opinion of us to be OUR opinion of ourselves. We shouldn't allow this.

I've personally learned that you can only be you. We can pretend to be someone else, but what's really happening is, we really are just expressing our beliefs. Your beliefs is what makes you who are you.

"Man is belief expressed. Man is an expression of his beliefs." - Quinby

If you contemplate the above quote, you can understand how true it is. Imagine if you were born and raised on another planet, would you still have your beliefs you have now? Probably not. Most of our beliefs about ourselves, etc, came to us externally because we've "internalized" them. Despite what some might believe or say, you are the ONLY thinker in your life. The same way you are the only eater in your life, or when you cast a shadow, YOU are casting it and it's your shadow; you cannot cast a shadow for someone else. This is why it's very important to not be "moved" too much by others' opinions of us, the bad news you see or hear about, the wrong doings in the world, etc, etc. I am not saying not to pay attention to all that, instead try not to be too moved by it all because utimately, it's only going to have an effect on you on some level of your being.

Am I saying to not be emotional at all? No. Instead I'm saying be more consciously aware(be mindful) as to why you react to certain things in your world/life as you do. Instead of being an "outer-directed person," be an inner-directed person. All this comes from personal experience. I am no expert. 😊

"The graveyard is the richest place on earth, because it is here that you will find all the hopes and dreams that were never fulfilled, the books that were never written, the songs that were never sung, the inventions that were never shared, the cures that were never discovered, all because someone was too afraid to take that first step to carry our their dream." - Les Brown

Why do you think some of those people were to afraid to take the first step? Again I am no expert. This comes from personal struggles and experiences.

If there is anything you can be in this world, be kind. Not just to others, but to yourself as well. 👍🏼

Words of Wisdom, True story

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