Search Results for: true story

True Story of The Day!

Post by Don on January 30 2019

Men, this is a good reminder with Valentine's Day being right around the corner! 😜

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Meme of The Day!

Post by Don on November 2 2018

True story! When I was in school, teacher sex "scandals" or whatever they're called were non existent. Now when I see them today, I'm like.. "Daayyuum! That's a teacher?! 😍 Why she messin' with them young kids? I wish that would of happened to me when I was in school...  oh wait..🤔 nevermind." 😜

Times have sure changed.

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Meme of The Day!

Post by Don on October 16 2018

A true story through AND of the ages! 😊👍🏼

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Words of Wisdom!

Post by Don on June 9 2018

I think one of the greatest challenges we face as individuals is not so much with other people but instead with ourselves. It may appear it's other people but it's mostly because we've allowed those people to somewhat dictate how we think and feel about ourselves. You know this by the way you react to them. In other words, we've allowed their opinion of us to be OUR opinion of ourselves. We sho... read more.



Meme of The Day!

Post by Don on April 27 2018

True story! Men can sometimes be... unappreciated. Don't forget to leave some room for dessert! 😜

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