Edit This!

Examples, updates, news, and more.

Resize Your Images!

Post by Don on November 30 2013

Resizing images are sometimes absolutely necessary especially when taken with certain cameras. Sometimes resizing is necessary especially if you're looking to make thumbnails from your images as well, especially when you need the images to be specific width and height.

The resizing feature on this site helps you resize images in w... read more.


Make a Collage!

Post by Don on November 19 2013

Collages' can be fun and I've come up with a way to do just that!

On the collage page, making an image collage can not be more simpler. Well, on second thought, I'm sure it can if you don't want to do the work, like some other services out there where all you do is select the images you want to be collaged and it does the work for you.... read more.



More from the Edit page!

Post by Don on November 14 2013

I thought I would make a post demonstrating more of the features that are on the edit page.

Below are images that show the original image and the edits done to them. The first one is the original. The second was edited using the Painting Effect edit and Oil Painting effect. The third is lomography applied to the image with the vignette option deselected. The fourth has blur applied to it. I only chose a level of 2 for the blur. The higher the number you select, the more blur is applied to the image.

I would like to thank Andrea from Andrea Francesca Photography for the wonderful photo! Thank you.

(As with all images on this blog, click on thumbnails to enlarge.)



Post by Don on November 8 2013

I recently came across some car photos on Facebook from the 20's and 30's time period. I like cars of all time periods along with all cars in general despite make. I'm an universal car admirer!

The photos I came across immediately inspired me to play with them via the edit page and see what kind of effects I can come up with. Below is what I came up with. You'll see the original photo along with the edit one. The red car photo was edited using the Painting Effect edit and the Vintage edit. For the vintage edit, I applied a goldish texture to the image hence why it has a "goldish" look because I feel the goldish look helps define the era of the 20's, 30's when style and elegance was a popular thing back then.

If you ever want to see what those days were like to get an idea, watch the recent version of The Great Gatsby!

"Love of beauty is Taste. The creation of beauty is Art." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson



| Beauty

Henry Ford Museum

Post by Don on November 7 2013

I thought I would share and post the many images I took yesterday at the Henry Ford museum. We always talked about going and finally we did. It's really an awesome place. It's more interesting than I thought it would be. There is definitely a lot to see and well worth the trip!

If you're ever in the mood to go or feeling nostalgic lol, check it out! You'll see things like John F. Kennedy... read more.

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