Edit This!

Examples, updates, news, and more.

Collaged Color Tintilized

Post by Don on June 24 2014

Below is an image I collaged together from the images of the previous post where I introduced the Color Tintilize edit section on the edit page.

The image below demonstrates not just the color tintilized images but also how they appear collaged together visually.


Color Tintilize Your Image!

Post by Don on June 24 2014

Recently I've added to the 'edit your image page' a new editing section called Color Tintilize. It allows you to apply a more complex color tint to an image than the basic Color Tint edit option that's also on the edit page.

Simply choose for any color you want from the colorpicker and click on Apply to apply that color tint to your image. Below are some examples.


Automate Your Collage!

Post by Don on June 22 2014

The collage page has now been updated to automate your collages for you! All you have to do is select from 2 to 6 images and click on the Collage This button and your collage will be automatically created for you! Just save to your device and share your newly created collage with your friends!

You have the option to add rounded cornders to your images, as well as adding shadows to your rounded corners like you see in the image below.

Automate is the default for the collage page now. If you wish to create your collage manually, just uncheck the Automate Collage checkbox and you'll be able to create your coillage manually!

I hope you enjoy the automated collage feature!


CropThis.net is now EditThis.net!

Post by Don on May 22 2014

As mentioned in my previous post about name change, CropThis.net is now EditThis.net!

The reason for the name change is because of the expansion of this website from a simple cropping website to a more featured filled website with many things you can do with your images!

I felt it was the proper change to reflect what this website is now about: Editing images.

The domain CropThis.net is still active and will continue to be but will redirect to EditThis.net.


Been Quiet.. Some news..

Post by Don on May 16 2014


It's been quiet around here as of late and that is for a reason. There will be an addition to this website soon that will allow you to have your images edited in a way that is very unique to your liking. Please stay tuned for further details when they develop.. 

In other news, because of the expansion of this website, there is a possibility that there will be a name change... Stay tuned for that as well.  

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